Samystick Tuzer Here's the code, copy and paste it. Then set everything in d center and put your games folders
<!--parser:xtscript--> # Create the search form print <div class="xt_search_form"><form action='<xt:url />#xt_search_form' method="get"> # Create the search text input field get srch print <div class="CLASS"><input type="search" name="srch" value="$srch" /></div> get_or_default fldr;Games/ var $chk = checked="checked" var $fltyp1= 128x128 var $fltyp2= 128x160 var $fltyp3= 176x208 var $fltyp4= 176x220 var $fltyp5= 208x208 var $fltyp6= 240x320 var $fltyp7= 320x240 var $fltyp8= 360x640 if $fldr == Games/128x128 var $chk1=$chk var $fltyp= $fltyp1 elseif $fldr == Games/128x160 var $chk2 = $chk var $fltyp = $fltyp2 elseif $fldr == Games/176x208 var $chk3 = $chk var $fltyp= $fltyp3 elseif $fldr == Games/176x220 var $chk4 = $chk var $fltyp= $fltyp4 elseif $fldr == Games/208x208 var $chk5 = $chk var $fltyp= $fltyp5 elseif $fldr == Games/240x320 var $chk6 = $chk var $fltyp = $fltyp6 elseif $fldr == Games/320x240 var $chk7 = $chk var $fltyp = $fltyp7 elseif $fldr == Games/360x640 var $chk8 = $chk var $fltyp = $fltyp8 endif # Create the selected folder radio buttons # add more buttons or set your own values if required print <div class="CLASS"> print $fltyp1 <input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/128x128" $chk1/> print $fltyp2 <input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/128x160" $chk2/> print $fltyp3<input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/176x208" $chk3/> print $fltyp4 <input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/176x220" $chk4/> print $fltyp5 <input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/208x208" $chk5/> print $fltyp6 <input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/240x320" $chk6/> print $fltyp7 <input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/320x240" $chk7/> print $fltyp2 <input type="radio" name="fldr" value="Games/360x640" $chk8/> print </div> # This re-selects the last sort type and direction # the names and variables must match the ones used in the radio buttons get_or_default typ;name get_or_default dir;asc if $typ == name var $chk4 =$chk elseif $typ== size var $chk5= $chk endif if $dir == asc var $chk6 =$chk elseif $dir== desc var $chk7= $chk endif # Create the sort type and direction radio buttons print <div class="CLASS"> print Name <input type="radio" name="typ" value="name" $chk4/> print Size <input type="radio" name="typ" value="size" $chk5/> print Asc <input type="radio" name="dir" value="asc" $chk6/> print Desc <input type="radio" name="dir" value="desc" $chk7/> print </div> # This re-selects the last selected results per page # the names and variables must match the ones used in the select menu var $slct= selected="selected" get_or_default per_page;0 if $per_page == 3 var $slct1 =$slct elseif $per_page== 5 var $slct2= $slct elseif $per_page == 10 var $slct3= $slct elseif $per_page == 0 var $slct4= $slct endif # Create the per page select menu print <div class="just"> print Per Page <select name="per_page"> print <option value="3" $slct1>3</option> print <option value="5" $slct2>5</option> print <option value="10" $slct3>10</option> print <option value="0" $slct4>All</option> print </select> print </div> # Add the submit button and close the search form print <div class="just"><input style="background: green; color: white; font-weight:bold" class="xt_button" type="submit" value="SEARCH" /></div></form></div> # Start the results output container # No search pattern so output the default html and exit the script var $exists=call strlen $val=$srch if not $exists print <div class="xt_item"><span class="xt_text normal"> Search My Files</span></div> goto @end else # Create the filelist template for the search results # Must be all on one line var $template=<div class='res'><div class='list2'><table width='100%'><tr><td width='20%' class='c' align='center'><img src='' width='50' height='50'></td><td width='80%' align='left' class='CLASS'><img src=''/><br/><b>NAME : </b><b style='color:blue'>.file_name_base_parsed.</b><br/><b>SIZE : </b><b style='color:green'>.file_size.</b><br/><b>LINK : </b><a href='/download?file=.file_name.&name=.file_name_parsed.&category=.file_mime.&size=.file_size.&href=.file_url.&date=.file_date.&time=.file_time.'><b style='color:red'>DOWNLOAD</b></a></td></tr></table></div><hr style='border: 1px solid red' /></div> # convert reserved characters var $template=call htmlspecialchars $val=$template # Note: If all your search files have file-extensions (.mp3 .png etc.) set the filter to $srch*.* # This will filter out all files without extensions (ie: index) # Get the search results using $srch* in the xt:filelist filter var $results = <xt:filelist sort_type="$typ" sort_dir="$dir" folder="/$fldr" template="$template" per_page="$per_page" filter="$srch*.*" /> endif # No results so output the default html for no search results and exit the script if not $results print <div class="xt_item"><span class="xt_text normal">No results for $srch in $fltyp</span></div> goto @end else # Output the results print <h4 class="xt_item" style="text-align:center">$fltyp results for "$srch"</h4> print $results endif @end # Close the results output container print </div> <!--/parser:xtscript-->Copy code