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* Samystick * Dude360 Ok here we go

1. The Site navigation (_header) is for your web header which contains contents shown at the top before other things.

2. The +Add block is for adding a new content which could be text, image, or codes etc.

3. In E + -,
E is used for editing a particular content you put in that page especially when you want to change or add something to it.

+ is used for adding a content. Its the same thing with [+ Add block].

- is used for deleting that particular content that you added.

4. The Multiple delete is an advanced way of deleting the contents you have, when you want to delete 2 or more contents at the same time.

5. The Move blocks is used to move a particular content you add to the top of another content or to the bottom of another content.

5. The Preview is a fuction used to view how the contents you put will appear to the browser.

6. The CSS is used for styling web pages. I will teach you more about that as we go.

7. The Options contains a page you can put your page title, description, keywords and other stylesheets with page text color and page background color etc.

8. The Share is used for sharing your page.

9. The Open folder is used open your root folder which contains your folders and files (its like a memory card that stores your files).

10. The Open in code editor is used to open the full code for the page you are working on. And the (_footer)
is for the contents that will be displayed at the bottom of your page.

I hope you understand these things, tell me to go on and if you have questions, ask okay.
2016-10-24 19:12 (edited 2016-10-24 19:25 by Samystick ) · Reply · (0)

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