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* Samystick * Olumide This is how to use filelist:
1. In your root folder, create a folder named Filestest,
2. Upload files in that folder. The files could be photos, songs, games, apps, etc just about six files.
3. Create a page in ur root folder named TestCode for testing.
4. Open the TestCode page and copy this code and paste it there,
filter="" />

Copy code

After you finish, check if it looked like what i hav in this page, then reply to me.
Here's the page http://samystick.xtgem.com/Test
We'll talk about the template="" later when u understand the basic part.
2016-09-04 21:29 (edited 2016-09-04 21:30 by Samystick ) · Reply · (0)

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