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* Samystick * Olumide I don't know what you want to upload.
But if ur talking about uploading files like songs, games etc to your folder here's what u gonna do.
* Uploading a file in xtgem site is of two way. One is uploading from ur drive (device memory or sd card) and second is uploading a file from another web through the file url.
Uploading From Device Storage :
1. Open d folder u want to upload d files
2. Scroll down and click upload file
3. On the next page click the first box and your device storage will open
4. Locate d file u want 2 upload and click it.
5. The click ok and wait 4 d file 2 upload.
Uploading From Another Web (Remote Server) :
1. Open d folder u want 2 upload d files into,
2. Scroll down and click Upload File link
3. On d next page scroll down and u will see upload from remote server. So click on d text box and enter the url of d file u want to upload e.g to ulpoad this icon, u put into dat box and click d "OK" button and wait for d file 2 upload.
* Normally file size upload limit in XtGem is 2mb but you can set it to 5mb.
Here's how the picture of the page looks like
2016-09-07 12:12 (edited 2016-09-07 12:20 by Samystick ) · Reply · (0)

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